Mini Soccer Program - U3- U5 - U7 - U9

2025 Summer Mini Soccer Program Information 









U9 Boys  5:30 PM

U9 Girls  6:45 PM 





U7 Boys 5:30PM

U7 Girls 6:45 PM





U5 Co-ed 4:45 PM

U9 Girls  5:45 PM

U9 Boys 7:00  PM

*U9 Game Night 



U3 Co-ed 4:30 PM

U7 Girls 5:30 PM

U7Boys 6:45 PM

*U7 Game Nights in July 




U3 & U5 Co-ed

9:00 AM

U9 (Optional)

10:00 AM



IMPORTANT: The City of Charlottetown provides a $15 per player subsidy for any Charlottetown residents. To get this, please use the promo code "2025CITYRATE" before paying during the registration process. Find further information on discount codes by clicking >HERE<


U3 (2022) Coed:


  • EARLY BIRD RATE:  $100 for Charlottetown residents*, $115 for non-residents.
  • After April 30:  $120 for Charlottetown residents*, $135 for non-residents.

*City residents use the promocode “2025CITYRATE” before completing payment.


  • Mulberry Park in Sherwood


  • June 5th, 2025 - August 7th, 2025
  • Once a week for 10 weeks
  • Thursdays 4:30 PM - 5:15 PM or 9:00 AM - 9:45 AM on Saturdays
  • An email will be sent out at the end of April for you to choose the day you wish to attend



  • Players will receive a free jersey and ball. Players can wear cleats if they have them, but sneakers are fine. 

About: Players will be introduced to the game of soccer through a variety of fun games and activities meant to improve their physical literacy and soccer skills. The focus will be on movement fundamentals and allowing players to become familiar with kicking the ball and dribbling. *Parents are expected to remain at the field with their child with a goal of gradual release to players being independent.

Session Structure:

  1. Arrival and warm-up
  2. Skill based activity
  3. Obstacle Course
  4. Skill based activity 
  5. Finish with a scoring/game activity and lots of high fives!

U5 (2020-2021) Coed:


  • EARLY BIRD RATE:  $100 for Charlottetown residents*, $115 for non-residents.
  • After April 30:  $120 for Charlottetown residents*, $135 for non-residents.

*City residents use the promocode “2025CITYRATE” before completing payment.


  • Mulberry Park in Sherwood

Start Date/Time

  • June 4th, 2025 - August 6th, 2025
  • Once a week for 10 weeks
  • 4:45 PM - 5:30 PM on Wednesdays Or 9:00 AM - 9:45 AM on Saturdays
  • An email will be sent out at the end of April for you to choose the day you wish to attend


  • Players will receive a free jersey and ball. Cleats and shin pads are recommended but not required.

About: Players will be introduced to the game of soccer through a variety of fun games and activities meant to improve their physical literacy and soccer skills. Players will learn the basics of ball control and ball striking, such as dribbling, passing, and shooting. The focus will be on keeping players active and having fun. *Parents are expected to remain at the field with their child.*

Session Structure:

  1. Arrival and warm-up
  2. Skill based activity
  3. Obstacle Course
  4. Skill based activity 
  5. Finish with a game 


U7 (2018-2019) Boys and Girls:


  • EARLY BIRD RATE:  $150 for Charlottetown residents*, $165 for non-residents.
  • After April 30:   $170 for Charlottetown residents*, $185 for non-residents. 

*City residents use the promocode “2025CITYRATE” before completing payment.


  • Mulberry Park in Sherwood


  • May 29th, 2025 - August 5th, 2025
  • 10 weeks (20 sessions)


  • Two 60-minute sessions per week.
    • Tuesdays
      • Boys @ 5:30 - 6:30 PM
      • Girls @ 6:45 - 7:45 PM 
    • Thursdays
      • Girls at 5:30 - 6:30 PM
      • Boys at 6:45 - 7:45 PM

Equipment: Players receive a free jersey and ball. Cleats, socks, and shin pads are recommended.

About: Players will be introduced to the game of soccer through a variety of fun games and activities meant to improve their physical literacy and soccer skills. Players will learn the basics of ball control such as dribbling, passing, and shooting. They will be introduced to the rules of a game through small-sided games.

Each night, players will train with their team and finish with a game against another team or themselves. Every third nigh,t teams will warm up and then play three short games against the other teams in what we call “tournament night”.

Teams will be created by the club’s staff. An email where parents can make requests will be sent out in early May. We do our best to accommodate all requests, but it isn’t always possible.

Session Structure:

  1. Arrival and warm-up
  2. Skill development
  3. Mini-game to practice skill
  4. Game

U9 (2016-2017) Boys and Girls:


  • EARLY BIRD RATE:  $160 for Charlottetown residents*, $175 for non-residents.
  • After April 30:   $180 for Charlottetown residents*, $195 for non-residents. 

*City residents use the promocode “2025CITYRATE” before completing payment.


  • Mulberry Park in Sherwood
  • Winsloe, Stratford, Cornwall, and North Shore (Game Nights)


  • May 28th, 2025 - August 4th, 2024


Two sessions per week for 10 weeks

    • Mondays 
      • Boys @ 5:30 PM
      • Girls @ 6:45 PM
    • Wednesdays (until late June)
      • Girls @ 5:45 PM
      • Boys @ 7:00 PM
    • *Wednesdays will become game night, where teams will participate in a league against teams in the Greater Charlottetown Area (Stratford, Eliot River, Winsloe-Charlottetown, North Shore)


  • Saturday (Optional)


    • Boys/Girls: Alternating each week 10:00-11:00 AM.
      • These will be optional skill sessions that will focus more on individual skill development (shooting, passing, moves, juggling, and goalkeeping)
  • Jamborees (Optional + Additional Fees)
    • Stratford Jamboree - TBD (Early July)
    • Eliot River Jamboree - TBD (Early August)

Equipment: Players receive a free jersey and ball. Players must wear cleats, socks, and shin pads. 

About: Players will continue to develop and improve their ball mastery, passing, positioning, and physical literacy. The focus will still be on individual ball control. Players will be introduced to passing, positioning, and the rules of the game. Players will play games against other clubs (Stratford, Winsloe, Eliot River, and North Shore), allowing them to gain experience competing against different players and testing their skills. 

Monday night will be a training night, and the session structure can be seen below. Wednesday night will become a game night where teams play in a league against other clubs. 

Teams will be created by the club’s staff. An email where parents can make requests will be sent out in early May. We do our best to accommodate all requests, but it isn’t always possible.

Session Structure:

  1. Arrival and warm-up
  2. Skill development
  3. Mini-game to practice skill
  4. Game


Other Information:

  • Some age groups may reach capacity, and late registrations are not guaranteed
  • Players will be put into groups/teams by staff. An email including a form for requests will be sent out prior to the season in early May.  

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