Full refund: If the refund request is received by June 15 and the Player has not participated in a practice, tryout, or game.
Partial refund:  If the refund request is received by June 15 and the Player has participated in a practice, tryout, or game, 75% of the Club’s registration fee will be refunded; no portion of the PEISA fee** will be refunded 
No refunds: No refunds will be issued after June 15 except in the case of a season-ending injury. 
Season Ending Injury: Where a player receives a season-ending injury, certified by a physician, before August 1, 50% of the Club’s registration fee will be refunded: no portion of the PEISA fee** will be refunded. No refunds are given after August 1.
 NOTE: All refunded credit card transactions, whether full or partial, are subject to a $7 admin fee.
** PEISA FEE: $37.50 for minis (U3-U9), $57.50 for youth (U11 and up).

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